6th Early Career Clinical Endocrinology (ECCE) at EndoBridge – nominate your representative!

Dit bericht is afkomstig van de European Society of Endocrinology:

Dear Members of ECAS,

We invite you to propose representatives for the 6th Early Career Clinical Endocrinology (ECCE) session during EndoBridge 2022. After two years online, we are going back to a face to face session, which will take place at the congress venue in Antalya, Turkey, and is scheduled for Thursday 20 October 2022, 17:00-20.00 local time. This year the session will focus on Training and continuous education for endocrinologists in medical nutrition therapy and physical exercise.

We are inviting each of the Affiliated National Societies to nominate an early-career representative to attend the ECCE session. A free registration to EndoBridge is provided to ECCE delegates. The National Societies are responsible for the costs of travel and accommodation in the congress hotel at reduced early bird rates https://www.endobridge.org/?p=accommodation.

Please let us know by responding directly to ecas@ese-hormones.org if you accept the invitation for the ECCE session and provide the name and contact information of the early career clinical endocrinologist nominated to represent your Society by 10 August 2022 at the latest.

Taking into account requests from the past, there is an option to nominate two delegates, should you wish to do so.

We look forward to hearing from you.