Insulinomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors originating from pancreatic beta-cells. The estimated incidence of insulinomas is 1:250.000 persons/year. We present a case of an insuloma diagnosed postpartum. 
Four weeks after delivery a non-diabetic 35-year old women was admitted to the hospital with a hemiparesis of the right side, signs of lethargy, and with difficulty of speaking.  After delivery she experienced recurrent episodes of fatigue and sweating. Laboratory tests showed a blood glucose of 1.4 mmol/L. After intravenous glucose administration, she had complete recovery of her symptoms.  A prolonged fasting test showed  inappropriately high insulin levels and C-peptide during hypoglycemia, suggesting excessive endogenous insulin production. MRI imaging showed a lesion of 14x 11cm, localized in the tail of the pancreas. Surgical enucleation of the insuloma resulted in complete resolution of hypoglycemia. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnose of insulinoma.

Insulinomas are a very rare cause of postpartum hypoglycemia.  We have to be aware of the possibility of a novel insulinoma in pregnant- and postpartum women presenting with symptoms of hypoglycemia. Early diagnosis and treatment is needed to prevent complications or even death.