- 15-11-2022BackgroundSurvival in childhood craniopharyngioma (CP) is excellent, however survivors face many sequelae of the tumor and its treatment, mainly caused…
- 14-11-2022Background A low concentration of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) is associated with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and fatty…
- 14-11-2022BackgroundLow levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and fatty liver are related to an increased risk of type 2…
- 14-11-2022Objective: International guidelines recommend to diagnose gestational thyroid disease according to trimester-specific reference intervals (RIs) for TSH and FT4. Yet,…
- 14-11-2022BackgroundPasireotide is a second-generation somatostatin receptor ligand (SRL) with proven efficacy for the treatment of acromegaly, although treatment-emergent hyperglycemia can…
- 14-11-2022Achtergrond: De registratie van medicatie voor zeldzame aandoeningen wordt bemoeilijkt door beperkte mogelijkheden voor placebogecontroleerde studies. In 2020 startte het…
- 14-11-2022Background Autoimmune diseases are more common in women than in men. Generally, estrogen has an immunoenhancing effect, while testosterone has…
- 14-11-2022IntroductionHypothalamic dysfunction (HD) during childhood can occur due to (treatment of) a suprasellar brain tumor. HD may not only result…
- 14-11-2022IntroductionGraves’ Disease (GD) is an auto-immune disease characterized by an upregulated thyroid hormone (TH) production. GD is diagnosed by measuring…
- 14-11-2022IntroductionCongenital hypothyroidism (CH), an inborn thyroid hormone (TH) deficiency, is mostly caused by disturbances at the level of the thyroid…