Registration for Dutch Endocrine Meeting 2021 is open!

January 22nd 2021, e-Congress


Dear colleagues and friends,

We would like to invite you to the Dutch Endocrine Meeting, which is the first of its kind that is held as an online meeting. Although we have all gathered experience with electronic exchange over the last months, we had to overcome the idea that we will miss the social interaction during day and evening event, which is an important part of our network. However, we have made the best efforts to adapt the meeting to retain its spirit of scientific excellence and exchange. We are happy that we found Thera Links willing to keep us up-to-date with an overview of translational and clinical breakthroughs in last year’s endocrinology, Mihai Netea and Liesbeth van Rossum to highlight the regulatory circuits of the response to COVID infection and COVID in relation to obesity and Max Nieuwdorp and Mireille Serlie to present the latest data about gutmicrobiome and metabolism and the relationship between brain, nutrients and insulin sensitivity.

In addition, as always, several prizes are awarded for outstanding research: the “NVE-Ipsen Awards” will be awarded to the best clinical and non-clinical Dutch scientific 2020 publications in the field of endocrinology. The NVE thesis award will be awarded for the best thesis in endocrinology in 2020. All winners will give a short presentation of their work. The “NVE Novo Nordisk Award” will be awarded to an outstanding endocrine researcher who has proven his or her merit within the endocrine field and the Dutch Society for Endocrinology. The winner will present an overview of his/her work. Lastly, the Laqueur lecture will be presented by an outstanding endocrinologist who has proven his or her merit within the endocrine field and the Dutch Society for Endocrinology. (All deadlines to compete for an award have passed.)

We believe that also the current DEM will continue to be prime endocrinological event, registration is possible via the congress website.

On behalf of the organizing committee and the Dutch Society for Endocrinology, the organizers:
Noortje van der Kleij-Corssmit and Anita Boelen, chairs DEM 2021
Peter Bisschop, chairman of the NVE
POC-members: Sarah Siegelaar, Iris Wakelkamp, Peter Deen, Hanneke van Santen, Edward Visser, Teun van Herwaarden, Eva Coopmans and Rachel van Leeuwaarden

Conference program

Friday, January 22nd, 2021 – 13.00 – 17.45 (4 modules)

Module 1: 13.00 – 14.00

13.00: Opening lecture – The year in Endocrinology – basic, translational and clinical studies – Thera Links (UMCG, Groningen, the Netherlands)

13.30: Three presentations of the winners of the:
1. NVE-Ipsen Award – Best clinical Dutch scientific publication 2020
2. NVE-Ipsen Award – Best non-clinical Dutch scientific publications 2020
3. NVE Thesis prize 2020

Module 2: 14.15 – 15.15

Symposium 1 – Metabolism – brain and gut
1. Relationship brain – nutrients and insulin sensitivity – Mireille Serlie (Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
2. Gut microbiome and metabolism – Max Nieuwdorp (Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

Module 3: 15.30 – 16.30

Symposium 2 – Endocrinology and COVID-19
1. Regulatory circuits of the response to COVID-19 infection – Mihai Netea (RadboudUMC, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
2. COVID and obesity – Liesbeth van Rossum (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)

Module 4: 16.45- 17.45

16.45: Laqueur lecture

17.15: NVE Novo Nordisk Award for Endocrinology