Mapping Endocrinology in Europe

Help us to support and protect the future of endocrinology.
The European Society of Endocrinology and Netherlands Society for Endocrinology are engaging in European Policy and Advocacy to shape the future of endocrinology.

Dear Colleague,

As part of its mission to shape the future of endocrinology, The European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) is actively engaging with policy makers to improve the professional outlook of the endocrinology discipline and the care of patients with endocrine disease.

At present there is no European wide understanding of the impact of endocrinology and the value of the endocrinologist; this is needed in order for us to represent and protect our discipline. ESE is therefore launching an ambitious project ‘Mapping Endocrinology in Europe, during which the opinions, facts and data derived from as many endocrine professionals as possible, with clinical and/or research orientation, will be collated. This will enable there to be an accurate evaluation and communication of the present value and future needs of endocrinology, and to identify future areas that ESE’s policy and advocacy strategy needs to address, on our behalf.

ESE is now rolling out a survey among its national and specialist affiliated societies and their members to map ‘endocrinology’ in terms of health care providers, diseases covered and impact on European healthcare, as well as the present situation and future needs related to endocrine research.  This will further validate the areas of policy and advocacy to focus on based on a thorough needs assessment.

As a Specialist Society with a formal affiliation to ESE, we fully endorse this approach.

The success of this project depends on obtaining a high number of respondents to the survey. Your support in this project is integral to producing the necessary background for the development of these activities, which will ultimately benefit European endocrinology and allow ESE to represent the interests of the endocrine community effectively

 With this article we kindly ask your support in completing this survey. The survey can be completed in 20-25 minutes.


 The deadline for the survey is 30 November 2018

As the representatives of your society, we believe that the results of this survey can also help us to better identify our national perspective, and to work together with ESE in identifying and addressing those issues that require a European level of approach. Your input and participation to this survey is therefore needed.

Results of the survey will become available at the ESE website at finalization of the project.


For any additional information, please contact:

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Endoorinologie

European Society of Endocrinology
Starling House, 1600 Bristol Parkway North, Bristol, BS34 8YU, UK
Tel +44 1454 642247