

IMAGE 2018 – Insights into MAnaging Growth for Endocrine Nurses

15 maart 2018

We are delighted to announce the upcoming EXCEMED and Springer Healthcare IME IMAGE Symposium, focusing on the needs of paediatric endocrine nurses involved in the care and management of children with puberty disorders.

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Sixth EndoBridge meeting, Antalya, Turkey

15 maart 2018

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Endocrine Society, European Society of Endocrinology and the Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey, we are delighted to invite you to attend the sixth EndoBridge meeting that will take place in Antalya, Turkey, October 25 - 28, 2018.

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Geaccrediteerde e-learning over ​​dieetmaatregelen bij erfelijke stofwisselingsziekten.

8 maart 2018

Deze praktische online nascholing wordt kosteloos aangeboden vanuit het AMC en is geaccrediteerd voor artsen en diëtisten.

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ErasmusMC Lecture Series on Endocrinology

6 maart 2018

The Lectures on Endocrinology organized by the department of Internal medicine at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam are monthly meetings based on a wide spectrum of the endocrinology field. Invited (international) speakers are worldwide experts in their field with an outstanding list of scientific achievements. Lectures are both clinical as well as research based.

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18th International Congress of Endocrinology

28 februari 2018

The Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa (SEMDSA) is proud and excited to have been selected to host ICE 2018 together with our 53rd annual SEMDSA Congress

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Capital Care for Pituitary Adenoma Leiden

28 februari 2018

Multidisciplinary workshop for pituitary tumour specialists

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XXIInd annual symposium of the Dutch Thyroid Research Foundation 2018

27 februari 2018

The Dutch Thyroid Research Foundation cordially invites you to the 22nd edition of its annual symposium, which will take place on June 8th 2018 at the West-Indisch huis in Amsterdam. International and Dutch experts will highlight important recent developments in basic and clinical thyroidology.

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European Society of Endocrine Surgeons 2018

26 februari 2018

Het tweejaarlijks Congres ESES komt naar Nederland.

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Nationaal Obesitas Symposium 2018

5 februari 2018

Ruim één op de tien Nederlanders heeft ernstig overgewicht. ‘De oplossing is een kwestie van simpelweg minder eten en meer bewegen. Maar waarom werkt dat voor velen niet?

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Parathyroids – small organs with big consequences

30 januari 2018

Het eerste DHSG symposium over de behandelstrategie van primaire, secundaire en tertiaire hyperparathyreoïdie en hypoparathyreoïdie.

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