Radboudumc Adrenal Masterclass 2022

January 24-28, 2022 in Amsterdam

Radboudumc Center of Expertise for Adrenal Disorders in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, organizes the fifth international Radboudumc Adrenal Masterclass. The course will take place on January 24-28, 2022 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The Radboudumc Adrenal Masterclass, part of the NVE Academy curriculum, presents state of the art lectures and workshops on clinical and pathophysiological aspects of adrenal diseases. It serves an audience of adult and pediatric endocrinologists, clinical fellows, internists and clinical chemists who are involved in the management of patients with adrenal disease.

The duration of the masterclass is 4,5 days, from Monday to Friday. Many national and international experts contribute to an intensive program that encompasses all major adrenal disorders: hyper- and hypocortisolism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, incidentaloma, adrenocortical cancer, pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma and primary aldosteronism. Apart from overview lectures on theoretical and practical issues, there will be interactive sessions on patient cases with challenging diagnostic and therapeutic issues. Participants are encouraged to present their own cases.

Special attention will be paid to indications and interpretation of testing, including imaging procedures. In addition, essential and practical methodological aspects of specific procedures such as adrenal venous sampling and minimally invasive adrenal surgery are demonstrated and discussed.

The master class will take place in hybrid form if necessary.

Register now for for the Radboudumc Adrenal Masterclass January 24-28 January 2022 in Amsterdam.