Our mission is to improve collaboration and interaction between young professionals within Endocrinology
Who are we?
The Young NVE is an association within the NVE that represents young medical professionals with an interest in endocrinology. We bring talented and enthusiastic young professionals together during our events and create an inspiring environment in which new collaborations flourish. The board of Young NVE consists of ten enthusiastic PhD students, postdocs and medical doctors who work in the field of endocrinology. They each are affiliated with one of the seven academic medical centers in the Netherlands to appropriately represent young medical professionals from all over the country.
Our main goals
- Improve interaction and collaboration between everybody who is in the early stages of their career with an interest in endocrinology, such as master students, PhD students, postdocs, young medical doctors and internal medicine specialists, gynecologists, pediatricians and clinical chemists in training with interest in endocrinology.
- Organize a yearly conference that consists of presentations of research projects and case reports (after abstract submission) by young participants as well as lectures by well-known (inter)national invited speakers and workshops about career, publication and grant application.
- Organize a session at the yearly Dutch Endocrine Meeting where 3 young talents get the opportunity to give a more elaborate presentation
- Collaborate with other organisations of young endocrinology researchers such as the European Young Endocrine Scientists (EYES, the young delegation of the European Society of Endocrinology).
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The JNVE board

PhD candidate Endocrinology, UMCG. Topic: Determinants of long-term complications in type 1 diabetes.

PhD candidate Endocrinology Leiden University Medical Center. Topic: treatment of prolactinoma - the patient perspective

Resident Internal Medicine at Zuyderland MC. PhD candidate Endocrinology, Zuyderland/Erasmus MC. Topic: Common thyroid abnormalities and treatments revisited.

MD/PhD candidate Endocrine Oncology at the UMC Utrecht. Topic: association of lifestyle with neuroendocrine tumor development.

Resident Internal Medicine at Amsterdam UMC. PhD thesis focussing on nutrition, metabolism and the brain.

PhD candidate Neuroendocrinology, Amsterdam UMC. Glucose regulation by the brain - assessing the role of the Nucleus Accumbens

PhD candidate Endocrinology RadboudUMC. Immune cells and inflammation in endocrine tumors.