XXIInd annual symposium of the Dutch Thyroid Research Foundation 2018

The Dutch Thyroid Research Foundation cordially invites you to the 22nd edition of its annual symposium, which will take place on June 8th 2018 at the West-Indisch huis in Amsterdam. International and Dutch experts will highlight important recent developments in basic and clinical thyroidology.

The symposium will start with a session on thyroid hormones, muscle and heart. Prof. Domenico Salvatore (University of Naples, Italy) will discuss the role of thyroid hormone in muscle function while Dr. Peter van de Meer (UMCG, Groningen) and Layal Chaker (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam) will discuss the role of thyroid hormone in cardiac function. The second session will focus on thyroid hormone transport and Dr. Heike Heuer (University of Essen, Germany) will discuss thyroid hormone transporter defects in experimental models. Dr. Stefan Groeneweg (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam) will share the recent results of the international TRIAC trial in patients with MCT8 transporter defects.

After lunch, the focus will shift to the role of thyroid hormone on haematology and the immune response. Dr. Anne van der Spek (AMC, Amsterdam) will discuss the role of thyroid hormone in macrophage function, Dr. Anja van Gucht (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam) the effect of thyroid hormone on erythropoiesis and the session ends with a presentation about the relation between thyroid function and immune responses in healthy volunteers.

The last session of the day is focussed on trace elements: Prof. Lutz Schomburg (Charite, Berlin) will discuss the role of selenium in thyroid hormone synthesis. This presentation is followed by a presentation on  iodine status, thyroid hormones and pregnancy given by Sarah Bath (University of Surrey) and the session ends with a presentation by Michael Zimmerman (director of IGN, Switzerland) discussing what we can learn from clinical trials.

We look forward to an exciting meeting and hope to see you in Amsterdam!

The Dutch Thyroid Research Foundation

This symposium will be accredited by the Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV)


By email: secr.endo.metab@amc.nl

Registration fee
Students:  free
PhD students  and fellows: € 25,-
Other participants: € 100,-

Please pay before 8th June, account NL02 ABNA 0469862025 with reference to Stichting Schildklieronderzoek Nederland, Rotterdam


Het West-Indisch Huis
Herenmarkt 99
1013 EC Amsterdam